Dreams based on intellectual knowledge lead to increase of intuition;
Intuition is for man of world what instinct of animals of forest is ever!
Ever the pursuit of truth intellect cannot lose to live a free life;
Life matters of human or other species are a great mystery for all;
All observations, experience and knowledge are grist in the mill of mind;
Mind is a boon for man that decides the course of life of man in the world;
World full of beauty, love, life, joy and freedom is heaven and hell in one;
One of the two is all the making of mind based on one’s own experience sure;
Sure can be one if one knows truth of all matter by intellectual knowledge;
Knowledge is power and virtue for man encouraged by the inspiration of love!
Love of beauty, truth in Nature and art man expresses in articles and poetry;
Poetry is the essence of one’s full capacity expressed in brief as a gem…;
Gen of wisdom is created with all best, and noble ideas of one as a book…;
Book is the final place for all to seek all one needs to know to rise high..!

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