Love you?
In my darkest hours
Friend and lover,
In my saddest moments
In your words
And feelings,
All the love,
All the vibrations
Of Life,
In mystic adoration.
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In Art as in Life
Not always,Everyone’s dreams.
We know so much,
As many Mysteries,As Spheres,That turn aroundWithout colliding,While we wonder,Who conductsTheir silent gears?But the biggestMysteries of allAre,Love and Life,For we know notWhatThe Miracle of LoveIs all about,Nor what we’re,Doing here,As life,Goes in and outFrom this,Our blessed, Sphere.
I wish I had a Magic Word,
‘Love’ is the closest that I’ve heard,That has that magic sound.
All seems to crumbleTo be falling apart!What is,Should not beAnd what shouldn’t,Seems sustainedBy strange, almostInhuman noises,Gaining groundStifling,Positive sound.As the waters of sanity,Evaporate and narrow‘Twenty First Century! ‘Are you our nightmareOur worst case scenario?Where all seems futileWhere beauty fumblesMortally wounded,By indifference,And sorrow?Sometimes,I feel as thoughWe’re swimmingIn an Aquarium,Long, dark and narrowWith our humanity wilted,Our brains tiltedAnd…
Feeling, Poetry
As the French say‘C’est pas facile’It is not easyIt takes an effortOf mind and spiritTo follow,Not having,A perspectiveThat’s really, narrowOpen mind, open cloudsAllowed to travel,Open routesDiscover, marvelsThat you feelMore than you seeAnd that’s just partOf the mysterious magicOf Poetry!
As I sit alone and ponder,
What Life’s Play is all about,All I know is Love’s the Wonder,For our lives not to go under,And of that I have no doubt.