Don’t break affiliations…
That one makes.
When one is taught…
And raised on hate!
Reflecting a society,
And shallowed in denial,
By such debates.
Truth comes late!
When money spoils eyes of those
Who create mistakes!
Exposing ignorance,
As a choice…
To validate what takes place.
And remorse dressed to seek forgiveness…
With excuses,
Does not thaw a salvation…
From hearts feeding,
On demented values condoned.
With a sympathy displayed,
Scored by a symphony that plays!
But when shown…
Some chosen acts of cruelty,
Done by those well known…
Are denied and outlawed!
Uncovering the flaws,
Of a twisted system chewed…
Between the teeth of demon jaws!
Without review!
Or an addressing of the standards
And ordered to continue.
With affixed discretions,
Bloodied, blessed and subdued!

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