Ram and Sita, Sita and Ram
Written over the chest
And tearing it apart
He showing his bhakti,
On the stage
While during the Ramlila,
The folk theatre man
Jumping and running
And with a tail
And the mask over
Playing his role,
Enacting on the stage
By beating the chest,
Showing the images of
Ram and Sita
And behind the curtain
The musicians beating the instruments
On the harmonium and the drum
And the cymbals.
Indian papis, sinners,
How many of them pure from their within
To have been to hear the Ramlila,
All worldly and sinful,
Nobody with the good heart
To see and feel it within,
Neither the kitrtanias nor the actors
Nor the on-lookers,
All for enjoyment and pleasure
And money,
Say who is not selfish,
Are the people with their heart and soul
In the Ramlila,
Are the reciters and folk artistes pure?

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