the shake of a hand is respect!
when the gift given hurts enough
to be real…
and eternity becomes the most
simple of things!
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i am the naked infidel,
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i searched for holiness…
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would like to come back as a candle,
a simple wooden crutch for the crippled,a bedpan for the aged.a blanket for the homeless,a small fire for the cold.and the sound of a mother’s voice,quieting the child afraid.a leaf, a turtle, perhaps a drink of water,a tear that needs to be cried…the straw that forms the sparrow’s nest,i could ask for nothing more!
of the working poor,both here, andaround the world…till these backs are broken!now these backs have faces,and the faces have names.we can no longer allowthe few to own the many…the time of economic slaveryis over! it is finished!dignity, respect,and equality….these are the stepson the road to tomorrow,a tomorrow based andfounded on freedom!
riding bareback
down across the pastureto where the woods begins.we tie the horses,and make our way downto the creek bankyou search for dead brancheswhile i clear a spotyou can hear the owlthe turtle, and the songthe water sings over the rocksin the firelight i beginagain the long journeyof knowing yourediscovering every nicheand crevice, namingevery star in your…