But in Islam we all Muslims get
A culture along with a distinctive look
A skull cap on head and beard on face
On upper lip mustache, very short or saved
And lower garments above the ankles
But below the elbows must be the sleeves
For women the dress code is opposite
They must cover for good moral and decency
From head to toe so that no one can see
The beauty of any parts of their body
Women are precious gems and pearls
They are not for exhibition and display
Rather their beauty should be under cover
Like we keep valuables with utmost care
In addition of these good moral and decency
We got hamd, nath, gajal, kirat and calligraphy
As a culture along with monotheistic belief
To describe Islam it is too narrow or too brief.
To proceed further it is necessary to say
In life Islam has politician ideas, too, to play
In a nut shell, Islam has everything for life
From cradle to grave in detail to describe.

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