But the ‘loop’ of your joy is like this ‘pool’ around us.
Reverse each word and learn from my muse,
For the ‘pan’ in your hand will make you take a ‘nap’ on my love!
And like a ‘ton’ of your expected cargo which is still ‘not’ in.
Try to learn if you want to and,
try to laugh if you are in the mood!
For you have promised me your sweet love,
But the ‘bat’ on your tree is like the ‘tab’ in your room.
Reverse each word and learn from my muse,
For the word ‘no’ becomes ‘on’ like the light which is on!
And ‘stop’ the ‘pots’ from falling because,
I have ‘won’ the race which you set before me and ‘now’ it is your turn.
Reverse each word and learn from my muse,
Because i know what i ‘saw’ in your room!
Since i ‘was’ there to be part of the game being played,
But the ‘mug’ on your table was like the sweet ‘gum’ given to me.

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