In some nations of the world in the twentieth century leading
To separating world into two blocs for communism and capitalism!
Modernization with the advancement and development of science &
Technology has created nuclear families separated from main ones;
Free mingling of people with the policy of equality for male and
Female gave impetus to socialization promoting lust instead of love!
Coming together of all kinds of people, good, bad and ugly in the
Name of political ideologies and advancement of social life have
All contributed to the growth of new diseases like AIDS along
With Cancer, syphilis, goneril, etc. incurably leading to deaths!
Love is an out going concern for good, but lust is selfish kind
Of possessive one for bad only making people confused and misled
To the extent of hatred, diseases incurable and deaths of precious
Lives for nothing warning good people to be careful with strangers!

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