Like the appitude of a beauty with the brightness of love.
27 for 27th when one is about to be married!
Of a joyful heart i do write this poem;
Like the writer’s pen with you at times.
The date of an occasion,
Of riddles and parables to respect the muse;
But beauty baths you when the rhythms of the blues are all over you.
Love is like the roses that blooms,
And this is your day in the garden of love;
With the rhythms and the blues to debrief you like a teacher.
This is for your eyes only,
And try to live your life on this day to shine like a star!
Of the hint and the excitments that will swing you with love.
Elevated with the mix of the pleasure to crown 27 for 27th,
Like to say something very witty on that day;
So dance to your muse and,
You will be very pleased to hear the cloud of your extintions!
Like a sweet life on the horizon.
Of a breakdance on a victory lane,
On the muse of this marriage to crown the day;
27 for 27th is the date you will always remember.
Love verses marriage,
Life verses beauty,
A breakdance on a victory lane when two hearts meet;
How i hope to be there for you.
27 for 27th,
Absolute released in the eyes of the people;
And, the adventure is undeniable!
Like the riddles and the parables of life.
The love story about you two,
With the set up of things to this date;
Like a great scene of a marriage which will be in the history books!
Soon to be united as husband and wife.
‘Is he smiling? ‘
‘Is she smiling? ‘
Like the sayings of a muse that unites you two into one today;
This is all about 27 for 27th.

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