His abode is very far beyond imagination,
Beyond far stars and galaxies, this power is.
Light travelling for trillions, trillions of years,
Even light does not able to go a little distance
Of his creation, of course this is true reality,
Science is helpless to travel with material light.
With human body we can never travel in space,
Yes, awakening soul can travel by his mind,
Through meditation he can gain his power,
Mind travels much faster than anything.
Within a fraction of second God can come here,
Within same time, mind can travel there is true,
This is easier for God to come but difficult for soul,
Impure mind is unstable like sea waves cannot travel.
God comes to Earth for doing transformation,
To build paradise giving his true wisdom to us,
Purified souls become his messengers of paradise,
Old vicious world changes into new nice world.
Like soul, Supreme Soul does not take birth,
He is beyond time, birth and death cycle,
Nature and illusion cannot capture creator God,
God controls nature and illusion leaves way.
Neither does karma bind him in any form
Nor does he enjoy fruit of action like soul,
Due to debt of past actions soul incarnates,
As per actions soul enjoys fruits of virtue or sin.
God comes to Earth but does not incarnate,
Bringing nature into control he comes sure,
Taking a medium of pure soul’s body,
He teaches souls at right time and goes back.
God does not enter into bodies of many souls,
Extremely stable minded pure soul can resist,
He is super cosmic energy and very powerful,
And ordinary body of impure soul cannot resist.
Extremely purified soul is the Holy Son of God,
God enters into the body of his Holy Son only and
Holy Son’s human body acts as a medium for God,
Through the mouth of Holy Son God speaks to us.
Always God does not enter to Holy Son’s body,
Whenever he desires he enters and goes after duty,
Every soul is holy originally and keeps power
But Holy Son is more stable among other souls.
Holy Son becomes the father of the people in Earth,
By God’s command he helps in bringing transformation,
While paradise comes he becomes the first prince,
His empire he rules in Golden Age is very pure.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,11 November 2017. All rights reserved.

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