Prison life just slightly above animal life so to say not for one or two years
But the whole hog of eleven years before we studied one year pre-university
Course in the college as gentlemen and became free birds after joining three
Years Degree Course in science and arts to qualify for as an under graduate!
College opened the gate to romantic life giving free passport to fly as birds
High with dreams of heroes and heroines as in dramas and novels we study
In literature and the movies we see in the cinema threatres every month sans
Fail with parents or friends cutting classes, when the lectures were boring to
Listen as the teachers themselves were not aware the correct syllabus to cover
As there was no response from University in the absence of college principal…!
The fate of our future was in our hands to decide about, when there was no one
To enlighten and guide us with authentic instructions to show us a clear vision
Of future we were supposed to know so as to study with surety what we would
Be doing after education leaving us to have discussion with our friends about that
And go ahead in that direction whether it is right or wrong as in an adventure like
Moby Dick or Alice in the Wonderland or as Harry Potter story of the present…!
Reality is different from dream sans knowledge of future life and proper instructions
Or guide lines making all, after education, to disperse in various directions for jobs
And settlements in various places not knowing when and how each one can meet
Each other trusting on each one’s guts to wade through all waves of woes of the world
To achieve each one’s ambition sans knowing the good or bad result before hand at all!

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