The irony is no vernacular language of nation has developed like English
With more than million words accrued to its dictionary for various uses!
Vernacular language mastered by migrated people excel in cinema songs;
Forgetting their own language development, job settlers make vernacular
Language as their own mother tongue besides succeeding in inter community
Marriages too leading to deterioration of their own culture and language!
Uneven ratio of male and female population, has made migrated people
Sacrifice their own individuality in all respects to the extinct of their
Style of living sans any thought for changing their culture according to
The changes of time, civilization and technological advancement in life!
First, own language has to be reformed by purifying it from contamination;
That is using original words instead of other language words by all and
Changing the alphabetical letters style for easy remembrance and use in
Practice for developing language literature encouraging all writings ever!
Keeping in view modern civilization, own culture should be reformed from
Being criticized by all to the extent of making their life a farce in the
World of various developed communities in competition with world community
In language, literature and culture to bring greatness to their identity!

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