Due to technological development, civilization has made man
Forget that man is still under the control of Nature forever!
Yes, planets are the under the control of Stars as Earth and
Moon under the control of Sun like the stars of galaxies are
Under the control of Black Holes everywhere in the Universe;
Hence, man also is subjected to the control of Sun and Stars!
Constellation, Sun and Moon control moods of men everywhere;
Best of mood and worst of mood can’t be deciphered by any means;
Pleasant Nature makes man have good mood to do all with joy sure;
Harsh weather brings exhaustion and frustration needing coolness!
Under the gravitational pull and push of all Stars and planets
Balance of Universe is maintained with man also subjected to it!
Realizing this great truth, let us all live in harmony with Nature
To have a fulfilled life in the world quite amazing in the Universe!

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