Just as the Universe
Sans gravitational attraction
Will be empty ever!
_____________________________________________ __________________
Independence is really impossible as all are interdependent
And no one can exist or is born sans the cooperation of others!
Even the great wonder of Universe goes on by gravitational
Attraction of each and every Star and planet all over Space!
Rousseau says man is born free, but is chained everywhere!
Freedom and independence are necessary for individual progress;
But sans cooperation and help of all nothing is done in public
As democracy is the support of majority that enables all possible!
Even to produce sound, clap is needed to be possible by two hands;
To live life as air, water, food and all needed for the self, all
Are in need of family, community and society to share joy and sorrow!
This is the design of Nature created for interdependent humanity!
This world is created by Nature to live in society to enjoy all;
Otherwise, human race itself couldn’t have civilized by culture!

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