India got independence due to nonviolence movement of M K Gandhi;
Pakistan got independence due to Gandhi’s selection of choice so then!
Truth, nonviolence and justice were the shield that helped Gandhi sure
Achieve his goal of freedom for India by democratic resistance forever!
Due to his long fasting for demands of India, alertness is on everyone
Seeking the wise messages of great leaders suitable even today I am sure!
His smiling face on currency notes are a warning against corruption
That has retarded progress and is driving India to fight against Pakistan
To bring peace, art and fruits many love in their hearts very much long,
Though they are supposed to create novelty in arts that bring joy ever!
Nonviolence is new way of life we all have to learn from good scriptures;
But in reality, only fakes have better chance in the society that believe in
Peace and love for all successes in any field of the world, man works ever
To achieve one’s ambition or belief against all odds blocking the path ever!
Tolerance in public and love in private only help to practise love anywhere,
If extremism, violence and terrorism are weapons of the weak to do anything!
But there is no guarantee for success even though tolerance is difficult to use,
When feeling is provoked by extremist acts of the incorrigible persons ever..!

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