People even for maintaining its community identity ever!
That too, if there are differences among its own people for
Having a lipi proper based on its old identity and modern
Use by necessary reforms, it is difficult to have a solution!
Another important thing is that it should have link with its
Present language in the place of its origin for making it good
For public use or for getting recognition and benefit from the
Govt. for its development and its community anywhere sure!
If there is lack of link between its people anywhere else and
The place of origin, it is difficult to find unity and uniformity
Both linguistically and culturally between both in the nation!
The complication increases, if the nation has many languages
With the main languages of North and South having influence
Over other sub-languages of the North and South damn sure!
This is the problem with Sourashtra language of Saurashtra
Region of Gujarat State and Southern States of Indian nation
Besides its mixing with Persian and Gujarati languages in the
North and Dravidian languages in the South for many years!

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