For a want of little breeze
And a little drop of rain
She does not lack
Nothing like weakness she possess
Rather she proudly owns
A granary of wealth full of diamond and gold
And in her nascent petals she holds tight
The whole of all possibilities and abilities
Astonishing and astounding
To charm the world
Your talent and merit
Are kept tight like that of a bud
In the petals of your brain
They writhe too
And wish to spread like a gust of wind
They may snatch away your oxygen
Blow away the cloud
Cast a shadow upon you
Crush your spirit with their dirty feet
Of avoid and negligence
But never concede to be a doormat
And allow them to rub their shoes
Nobody is unknown
That hurdles and inconveniences will die
Like weeds under a fast growing tree
Do not worry either
I am here to be your guest
At the end of my traveling
I will enter into your garden
Be ready to be bloomed
And to stun the world
With your uncommon grace and be-witchery spell
I am your opportunity coupled with time
Be prepared to entertain me.

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