And at times we all have to swallow our pride
But when one door on us closes another opens wide.
You may not be wiser though the years have left you gray
For there’s no fool like an old fool you hear people say
Just look at our so called leaders how silly are they
For their mistakes in their deaths others with their lives have to pay.
They look upon some people as if they were sheep
And the lives of those different they look on as cheap
Yet why some see them as heroes I do wonder why
For them they are even prepared for to die.
Some men for to conquer they first will divide
Yet from karma for them there is nowhere to hide
What goes around comes around those words are so true
And the karma we’ll receive is the karma we are due.
Some feel they are a gift to Humanity
Though with self praise it is no praise I can’t disagree
But why pay heed to me of life little I know
And the older I’m getting the sillier I grow

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