Religion or philosophy or politics or civilization or culture they like truth only;
Romantic poets are always for freedom, free love and natural way of life ever!
Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley and Browning are the best of romantics
I cherish most and love to go on the path they have travelled in romantic period;
The friendships of those romantic poets are best of stories I love to read ever;
My romantic poems are just some of the reflections of those romantic poets!
When we have time in the world just love and you will need nothing more in life!
This message of a song by Louis Armstrong is one of my favourite songs I love
Whenever I get time to listen to pop songs by The Beatles, Boney M and others;
The songs of romantic poets and singers are lively and lovely ever to enjoy!
Romance, revolution, reforms and modern thoughts based on truth by scientific philosophy
And democratic thoughts of liberty, equality, fraternity and justice are best to follow ever!

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