She quickly changes the subject the answer she does avoid
Her ego deflating daughter to her not a source of pride.
Her daugther is a druggie who sells her sexual favours for pay
A nocturnal sort of a person seldom seen out by day
She does not visit mummy for her counsel for to seek
Since mum does not wish to know her and to her refuse to speak.
She is the proud one’s daughter who taint her family’s name
Though the life that she is leading doesn’t seem to cause her shame
The black sheep of the family that’s life as some do say
If it were a perfect World then all would be okay.
Nocturnal in her habits by day she is seldom out
But after nightfall in search of clientele she goes on walk about
She associates with people who sadly lack in ruth
And to buy drugs for to feed her habit herself she prostitute.
One addicted to heroin she lives it in the hard way
And more than in part nocturnal she is seldom seen by day
In her very early twenties she ventures out at night
For to stand at a street corner in the glow of the street light.

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