And a music future now seems out for me
With one finger weak the violin i can’t play.
But Helen seems to take it in her stride
What’s past is past and the future is ahead
And since she cannot play her violin any more
She has chosen to be a gardener instead.
‘Twould seem that her music career was in bloom
And few could play the violin good as she
She studied under the masters overseas
And in playing the violin she has her degree.
At present she is doing a horticultural course
On trees and flowers and plants how they are grown
When one door closes another opens wide
And much to learn and so much to be known.
She was on her way to fortune and to fame
But lady luck with Helen did not stay
A weakened finger ruined her great career
And her violin now she say she cannot play.
So near to fame and fortune yet so far
But you won’t hear her moan of what might be
No Helen only gets on with her life
Though few if any unlucky as she

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