A race who have known oppression and as fringe dwellers they remain
But from the beautiful music and culture of the Rom such marvellous insights we gain.
Her’s is not the nine to five job there is nowhere she wishes to stay
Tomorrow from Paris in France may find her some distance away
But don’t pity her for her lot for she lives the way that she choose
If there is a Stock Market collapse she will not be the one who will lose.
Her high cheek bones and her beautiful face her dark eyes and eyebrows and her tousled dark hair
For this young Princess of the roads do you have some money to spare
To help her to feed her young child and to help for to pay her train fare
On a train out of Paris tonight her World is the big World out there.
Save for her circumstance of birth success wise she may have gone far
A wealthy man’s beautiful wife or a World renowned Movie star
But such a life she would not choose she is what she wishes to be
A dark haired Princess of the roads do not pity her for her poverty
I search her face looking for flaws but she doesn’t have flaws
‘twould seem to me
And the more that I gaze on her beautiful face the more of her great soul I see
A young Rom mother with baby in arms she never may make headline news
But if the Stock market collapses today she will not be the one who will lose.

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