But she like the muscular footy bloke the one with hairy chest
the rough around the edges type is the man who suits her best.
She likes the fellow like her dad her dad the macho bloke
And not for her the type who don’t frequent the pub or who don’t drink grog or smoke
Cannabis or tobacco these type are not for her
The broad shouldered man who likes his drink the type that she prefer.
She like the fellow like her dad not sensitive or shy
The macho type who speak their mind and look you in the eye
the type who with a simple stare instil in others fear
She feels the passion in her rise when such a man is near.
On the sensitive new age guy she would not waste her time
But she likes the bloke like her dad was when he was in his prime
The macho and muscular type who stand out in the crowd
A man she could love and make love to and to be seen out with feel proud.

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