And she does not seem even certain of the father’s identity
Though she knows that her unborn’s biological father can be only one of three.
To ascertain that it would take a D N A test and that is to it if they would agree
So through the courts she will not pursue it to find out who her child’s father might be
No she will raise the child on her own some men are good to plant their seed
But they are quick to forsake a woman when the woman of love and support is most in need.
She was only nineteen on her birthday she will be a young mum one might say
Though younger than her have had children her prime years of life five years away
Quite an attractive looking young woman and time surely is on her side
In two months she will be a mother though she is yet to be a bride.
A visible bulge in her tummy quite pregnant to all she appear
And in two months she will be a mother the birth of her child is drawing near
She does not know the sex of her baby she will be happy with a he or a she
And she is not sure of her child’s father the attractive young mother to be.

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