Her name is Grannyrosie with words she has a way
And poets are born and not made some have been known to say.
With the best of The Starlite Cafe she surely does compare
With Hemsley, Ompapa, Bubby and Kaneix amongst others the limelight she does share
She surely is original and people like her are rare
Her poems tell us of a person who for Humanity does care.
She lives in Adelaide in South Australia a City that I love and know
The historical State Capital City that on one seems to grow
I love it for it’s old World charm it is a grand old Town
The home of Patricia Kerr alias Grannyrosie a woman of renown.
To the Goddess of Poesy she ever remains true
And we will give the woman credit since credit she is due
The site is well worth a visit of this internet laureate of rhyme
She blends the past and present this poet of our time

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