We came in contact from Naijapal
She showed her excellence on arrival
She knew pulse by pulse and bit by bit
The danger and where likely to hit
She was not afraid but stood her ground well
She never preferred her agony or pain to tell
I cursed myself for not being rushing to her rescue
It was needed but could offer only words which were due
It was valiant effort on her part to stand firm
She was facing each and every crucial term
She stood for nice friendship and proved very true
I did everything possible to stay with her and woo
She was magnificent in her approach with attitude
I always praised her with nice words of gratitude
She was elegant in look and emerged as fresh rose
I wanted to see her in original form and nicely compose
Words of praise in the memory of her friendship
And to know exact feeling for the companionship
She was down with unknown disease
This made her uncomfortable and kept at unease
She was torn out financially and under tremendous pressure
I could do nothing except to give her moral support and reassure
What was she expected to perform under critical situation?
I asked repeatedly to self as I had in real sense infatuation
I could not open my self as it was not right moment
She sustained the onslaught and emerged strong with movement
She perfected her argument on current political scene
She opined “such denigration in level was never seen”
It was her presence of mind and strong will power
It kept her intact did not allow her to lower
I don’t know what will be my message to her
I was not sure whether it will add to her worry or bother
It was my deepest love and feeling
I wanted to go along with her and absolutely willing
She was very blunt in her presentation
This showed her strong resolve with indication
I loved her from bottom of my heart
She had given me feeling with very good start
She has emerged from long absence today
I think it was for her a superb shining day
She was on line with all her past elegance
I felt so elated in her presence
She was there like fresh rose flower
All glitter and shine which only may be had by fewer
I was stunned to see a powerful female friend
I dreamed of her to bring road to an end
* Naijapal is used to indicate as Nigerian friend

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