But since she climbed up to the summit of Mt Everest
The Aussies now have claimed her for their own.
Brigitte Muir the mountain climber hails from Belgium
I am an Australian you will hear her say
And though it may be a matter of opinion
She is an Aussie if she feels that way.
Her husband John climbed Everest before her
And a few years back his was a famous name
But Brigitte the first Aussie woman to climb Everest
And he now live in the shadow of her fame.
She has climbed the seven highest peaks of the World
But Everest is the one that mattered most
She’s been feted by the Premier of Victoria
And in Canberra to her they drank a toast.
If she had failed to reach the Everest summit
They may not have called her Aussie Brigitte Muir
But when you achieve big, People want to know you
And the Aussie tag as well she did secure.
She live in Natimuk a small Town in Victoria
And a few months back she almost was unknown
And since she reached the summit of Mt Everest
The Australians have claimed her for their own.

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