That she is one in a billion people like her are rare
There’s only one Jo Mountwinter with her none to compare.
She is so very humorous so clever and so wise
And that woman has me laughing till tears come to my eyes
Her beautiful earthy accent is with her for to stay
Till the reaper will claim her the one who will claim us all one day.
For the sufferings of others she shows her empathy
And for poor asylum seekers in detention she has great sympathy
She dislikes the Conservative Government by the Aussie voters empowered
And she verbally attacks the hypocritical values of Amanda Vanstone and John Howard
Yet she criticizes the Government in such a humorous way
And one cannot help but to laugh aloud at some of the things she say
The woman deserves credit since credit she is due
To a fair go for all people she always will be true.
I know one of her daughter’s Jessica a chip of the old block
Just like her marvellous mother of good old Socialist stock
If everyone thought like them a different World ‘twould be
We would not have discrimination and crimes against Humanity.
The marvellous Jo Mountwinter is eighty I am told
But in her heart she is quite young and she does not look old
A fighter for worthy causes and a role model for the young
And her humour is contagious and her praises must be sung.

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