Who have fled wars and famines for a better life elsewhere
Yet our Governments won’t help them doesn’t life seem so unfair.
Our Government supported those who invaded their Countries yet them we now disown
We have helped to bomb and ruin their Cities and scant respect for them we’ve shown
Lock them in detention centres tell them you are not wanted here
And we helped to make them Stateless and we only gave them fear.
For their own future and the future of their family we tell them you’ve jumped the queue
We do not want you in our Country there’s no welcome here for you
Go back to where you’ve come from since here you cannot stay
We have too many of our own poor those who do not work for pay.
Sing us songs of refugees sir for the Stateless and downtrod
For the Homeless and forgotten and those of the lesser God
You have sung of love and heroes to your pleasant melodies
So for your last few numbers mister sing us songs of refugees.

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