Upon her fragile reality.
He wants to be her superman.
Although he flies into brick walls.
And he can’t quite come to his feet to stand.
He is human afterall.
Stumbling from a crawl.
To get up again…
Proving he has the balls to win.
They represent,
That have come to an end.
And they resent delays,
To their wishes.
They represent,
That have come to an end.
And they resent delays,
To their wishes.
She wants it sugar coated.
To clip and paste…
Upon her fragile reality.
He wants to be her superman.
Although he flies into brick walls.
And he can’t quite come to his feet to stand.
He is human afterall.
Stumbling from a crawl.
To get up again…
Proving he has the balls to win.
Time and again to defend,
If he doesn’t.
They represent,
That have come to an end.
And they resent delays,
To their wishes.
They represent,
That have come to an end.
And they resent delays,
To their wishes.
Woe oh,
They pray to have it their way.
Woe oh,
They were raised with candied kisses.
Woe oh,
They pray to have it their way.
Woe oh,
They were raised with candied kisses.
They represent,
That have come to an end.
And they resent delays,
To their wishes.
Woe oh,
They pray to have it their way.
Woe oh,
They were raised with candied kisses.

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