Trying to hide their sufferings of mental malnutrition.
And other wasteful diets they are attempting to maintain!
When they say ‘shrink’…
It isn’t weight they are losing.
Fees to keep those like them believing
They can walk on water…
Aren’t about to dry up any time soon!
They are the first to pawn any and eveything they can.
The ‘snoots and snots’ padlocked in these boxes.
Very few tag sales are conducted in condo high rises!
Those dwellers are doing their best to make deals
With the doorman these days.
And even they are getting pissed.
No one gives them huge tips as before!
They stand now with their arms folded.
They know who ‘had’…
And who now ‘has not’!
These doormen chronicles will not easily be forgotten.
Too many tears have come to dropp on spit shined shoes.

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