scents the fresh air.
It makes you look more closely
to everything that is there.
The beauty of the day,
white clouds, no black ones of dismay.
A breeze that bends
every leaf and petal to and fro.
Then there are the colours,
a multitude of green.
Everything assaults our senses,
every smell and flower there.
The sun is over my shoulder,
blue skies, and no clouds in sight.
As I sit here on a park bench
enjoying everything, I see.
(7 July 2007)

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I watched a mother duck swim
with a trail of ducklings behind.
Sometimes we sit
and close our eyes never seeing
the beauty around us there.
It is the small things
we should watch closely
as they are the ones
that bring the most pleasure there.
As the day changes
other, things catch our attention
as they start to emerge.
The sun fades and the rabbits
come out of their burrows
with their little noses twitching
as they graze merrily away
and then scamper at an unfamiliar sound.
As the night descends,
the flapping of bat wings
can be heard across the stillness.
The lonely hoot of an owl
somewhere high in a tree.
Most would never bother seeing
the things nature brings
for if they did
they would soon realise nature
has a lot of surprises in store.
4 May 2008

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reflections of the past drift
by on origamic clouds in the blue.
Stripping back the years
to fragmented pictures of a time so far away.
Dewdrops on petals sparkle
under a morning sunrise
as waking creatures scamper
across the plains of Solomon’s heights
where mushrooms create
fairy circles in the shade.
Captured by the moments
time slowly slips away
into the partitions of yesterday
when young lives knew
no boundaries they could not reach
in their quest for heavenly love.
Pictures of youth sail past
in momentary glimpses
as years entangled with the fury
within responsibilities reaches
and age wears on the body from youth to old.
As still above us the sky remain solitary.
The sea moves on its solitary quests
as our frowns grow deeper on our foreheads,
and still lies a park bench holding
in all the raptures of the young and old
who sat upon it to ponder for a while
on the thoughts of their lives.
25 October 2012

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