Ever one after the other comforts of civilization have made slaves;
Slaves of habits have been spoiled and failed to live good life!
Life customs changed by modernity have made many seek peace in sex;
Sex has become fun to indulge from the teenage to old age everywhere;
Everywhere morality and good life have become a distant dream sure;
Sure with money many have turned to live in anyway sans culture!
Culture being discarded due to modern civilization spoils all now;
Now realization of this blunder needs to be changed by awareness;
Awareness of good health and life are distracted by Cinema and TV;
TV reaches biggest audience needing to be corrected and reformed!
Reforms in media perhaps may change immoral attitude and life of many;
Many need to be corrected from the family to education to world life!
Life of culture according to modernity could make worthy citizens…;
Citizens of good health and morality only can do best for human society!

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