One might say that they deserved better but that’s life as some people say
In death fame to you will not matter you need recognition today
Some great poets experienced the hard life with only pennies to their name
You ought to believe those who tell you that penning verse can be a ‘hungry belly game’
All of their life they struggle for recognition which comes to them when they are dead and gone
And not of much use to the dead poet if his or her poems will live on.
Some great poets did not write for riches and they did not yearn for fame
They penned their verses for the love of poesy and not for any public acclaim
Humanity to them indebted from their words insight we do gain
The great poets may be gone forever but their words of truth with us remain.
Some great poets never claimed they were poets they never said how great am I
They lived a poverty type of existence and poverty stricken did die
Some claim humility comes with true greatness those words to them have a true ring
And the great poet to society more value than the president, the queen or the king.

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