But he tied us to God and he tied us to Rome
And the Vatican became for the Irish their spiritual home.
I do not doubt for a moment that Patrick meant well
He thought he was saving the Irish from Hell
Many swear the Communion is food for the soul
But religion nowadays is out of control.
Some of the ageing Convent nuns so devoted to God
They did not spoil the child by sparing their rod
The dunce of the classroom looked on as a fool
Some people to children are so very cruel.
The mental scars of their Childhood in the adult remain
And their past always returns to haunt them again
Children suffer for God and why should this be
Did Christ really die for us on Calvary?
The one with compassion should sit on the Throne
And you without sin come and cast the first stone
The cruelest of people they abuse their power
And scared little children before them do cower.
The good fellow Patrick in death is a National Saint
And many believe he is one without taint
For his many conversions credit he is due
But one to one’s own self can only be true.

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