I am a slave to the penning of doggerel and I yield to my addiction every day
Perhaps professional help I am in need of but for such help I could not afford to pay.
Some people say to me you’ve made your statements your own thoughts now on paper you repeat
‘Tis time that you gave up your doggerelizing there are bigger challenges in life for you to meet
They do not suffer of addictive behaviour so of those like me so little they do know
Addiction in some ways is like a cancer a lust for something that seems to ever-grow.
True poets to poetry never are addictive and they can write in blank verse or in rhyme
To write they do not feel need or compulsion true inspiration comes to them in time
Yet look at me I’m always doggerelizing and doggerels always forming in my head
I write in different ways on things which I have written and in other ways repeat the things that I’ve already said.
Some of us become victims of our addictions and I should know as it’s happened to me
You’ve got it right I’m an addictive person beyond my own addictions I can’t see
But then you show me those that you think are near perfect and flaws in them may not be hard to find
For after all we all are only human and imperfection belong to human kind.

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