Their dislike of you may be racist or sexist or some form of jealousy
Such things have happened to so many and such things have happened to me.
When somebody I’ve been just introduced to seems to dislike me offhand
I wonder what have I done wrong here I struggle for to understand
I’ve just been introduced to this person yet their body language does show
That they are not comfortable in my presence and me they would rather not know.
Some may say this is projections of feelings though with that I cannot agree
You can see the feeling of dislike in others your eyes tell you what your eyes see
If you ask some why they dislike you whilst looking them straight in the eye
They may find it hard to come up with an answer their answer may be I do not know the reason why.
Some people may choose to dislike you and about it nothing you can do
It has happened to me very often and I’m sure it has happened to you
I feel life is like a beauty contest the prettiest one gets the rose
And everybody does not like you but then that is life I suppose.

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