Both its sex and its name came.
With a power so intense…
It would sit and steam,
To gather its own wits!
That is how powerful the force,
It had over the unsuspecting villagers!
The ones who could, at first sight…
Make no sense of it!
Out of the darkened shadows it appeared.
And as it neared,
Not one of the villagers had minds that were clear.
They fought a leader blinded by arrogance.
Blinded by a need to sustain an ego…
Dressed by greed to deceive.
And as rumors of this creature spread across the land,
Few thought this was idle gossip.
Yet the whispers grew louder…
As the winds of it began to drift towards them.
Removing rusted visions no one could withstand.
And this creature…
Having the head of a woman.
Having the strength of a man.
Shocked those staring.
Shocking all who stood to stand!
And an old man cheered…
As the children to it ran!
‘Clintonobamanous’, this creature roared!
‘Clintonobamanous’, you will not ignore!
And on the fields…
Every hint of a ‘bush’ hiding misdeeds kept secret,
Lifted from the surprising eyes…
Who knew their lives would forever be changed!
Clintonobamanous came to reign!