we are about to give up,
and never make a stand.
We think there is no point,
no reason why we should.
All hope is lost now,
like knocking our head on wood.
We’ve been driven down,
by forces of which we have no control.
Our world is spiralling down,
into a murky whirlpool.
Where is that guardian angel,
which is supposed to help us,
in our darkest need?
Have they forgotten about us,
as into the whirlpool we speed?
Just as we are about to reach it,
comes a welcoming outstretched hand,
to drag us away from the water,
and onto the safety of dry land.
A faceless stranger,
whom we have never seen before,
reaches out to help us,
set us on the road once more.
Our first steps are tentative ones,
until our confidence grows.
Then it is with leaps and bound,
into territories unknown.
Blessed be the stranger,
with their helping hand,
who plucked us out of misery,
to show us the way,
to our promised land.
So now, we stride towards the future,
no bonds to pull us down.
Thanks to a stranger,
whose name we never know.

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