Give a poisonous pain
Just to lessen the sadness
I laughed, the laugh was loud
Before that I was very sane
Now I am a mad man.
Ha, ha, he, he, hi, hi
Is the sound my mouth produce.
People make fun
I don’t react
As they are found
The blunt
The dullard
Dolling out dull
So I walk
Like a king insane
The owner of
The sun or moon
Not bothering any compassion
No longer caring the cruelties
As altogether they are the same
Heaved a relief of sigh
Looking at the sky
The clouds- my beautiful children
Enjoying the fruit of freedom
Playing with the sun
Hide and seek
In the kingdom of mine
No torture no bloodshed in war
No injustice no hegemony no fear
Love to all and hate for none
Kindness peace and progress
Spread the king’s specter
No nepotism no corruption
No one is foe, no one too much dear
They are all the same all together.
I could save myself from this condition
If I was a vagabond
Totally stoic indifferent
But I had a heart very sensitive
And could not bear the grief
Just to lesson, I laughed, the laugh was loud
Before that I was very sane
Now I am a mad man.

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