Though there are 12 hours each for day and night, this secret number 6 clouts all!
For we use only 6 hours each for fast and slow work, enjoyment and sleep a day!
Indeed we are six hours conscious in the day and six hours unconscious in the night!
As human life’s day and night creation and destruction of Universe are in divine life;
They all happen supervised by Brahma within the eye winking time of Lord Vishnu
Reclining on the five headed snake bed of Adisesha surrounded by all Cosmic Gods!
A Hindu mythological vision of the infinite Universe of Lord Vishnu and all Gods
Is still the symbol of the full canvas of Space not yet superseded by another vision!
Ancient Indian Science has calculated the creation and destruction time of Universe
As 8,640,000,000 human years or 2 Kalpas for 1 Kalpa each for Divine Day and Night!
That is, the time taken for creation is 1 Kalpa and for destruction is also 1 Kalpa!
Brahma takes 2 Kalpas,1 eye winking time of the Lord to create & destroy Universe!
The time taken for creation & destruction of the Universe will be 24,000,000 Cel.yrs!
The day and night of A Divine Day would be 2 Kalpas or 8,640,000,000 human years!
Indian Astrophysicists expressed creation & destruction time of Matter in the Universe;
Modern Physicist Einstein has created only equation for Space & Time in the world;
The 3 coordinate distances of Space in Kilometres and Time in years are yet to be found!
Perhaps before the end of the millennium 2000 some answer would be found out for this.
[360 human years = 1 celestial year; 1 Kalpa = 1000 revolutions of 4 Yugas;
Kreta Yuga is 4,32,000 human years; Treta Yuga is 8,64,000 human years;
Dwapara Yuga is 12,96,000 human years and Kali Yuga is 17,28,000 human years;
1 Kalpa = 1000 x (1200+2400+3600+4800) = 12,000,000 Celestial years (or)
1Kalpa = 1000 x (4,32,000+8,64,000+12,96,000+17,28,000) = 4,320,000,000 human years! ]

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