The tall mast lie drunkenly on angles
as their boats are left stranded
after the tide retreated,
back to its roving wanderings.
The calls of the seagulls
bark in the evening air
as the sunset enriches
the surrounding hills in red and gold.
Little birds take their last flights
before dusk and roosting.
A serene scene to greet my eyes
in a laid-back day,
the first day of my holiday.
Away from the clamouring pace
of a life left behind for two weeks.
Just standing and watching for what joys
my life must prepare for
as the evening clouds begin to gather.
Waiting for the hour
when night decides to descend
and bring a quiet close
to the first day of my holiday.
13 September 2008
The tall masts lie drunkenly on angles
as their boats are left stranded
after the tide retreated,
back to its roving wanderings.
The calls of the seagulls
bark in the evening air
as the sunset enriches
the surrounding hills in red and gold.
Little birds take their last flights
before dusk and roosting.
A serene scene to greet my eyes
in a laid-back day,
the first day of my holiday.
Away from the clamouring pace
of a life left behind for two weeks.
Just standing and watching for what joys
my life must prepare for
as the evening clouds begin to gather.
Waiting for the hour
when night decides to descend
and bring a quiet close
to the first day of my holiday.
13 September 2008