Are calling to each other in the freshening late evening breeze
And the leaves can be heard rustling on the gum and wattle trees.
Shish shish shish he calls out to the wombat and the shy wombat reply
And she softly shish back to him in the high paddock nearby
And she rushes for to greet him and around him romp and play
As if to say Steve so good to see you and did you enjoy your day.
He’s a man at peace with Nature and of Nature much he know
And of the shish call of the wombat ’twas Steve Durie told me so,
He and his wife Annie have raised orphan baby wombats and re-introduced them to the wild
And have given back to Nature her rare and precious child.
He is a good friend to Nature and Nature’s good friends are rare
He has raised orphan baby roos and wombats with tender loving care
To help wild born babies who have lost their mothers he and Annie go out of their way
And those who care for Nature’s children will reap good karma one day
He goes out late at evening when the moon is in the sky
And the boobook owl is calling somewhere on the trees nearby
And he shish shish to the wombat and she shishes in reply
And she rushes for to greet him and she shish shish to him hi.

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