And a handful dogs;
The rest of all join the peace-procession
Loving the fellow men.
Look, men like the tide of rivers have come
In each corner of the world;
Look at the intolerable pangs of the world’s conscience
In the pages of newspapers;
Look, hatred is bursting open like the toasted paddy
On the screen of television.
Those who thought they would wipe out
The existence of the Rohingya,
The world-people have started roaring against them.
Now the world has come to know that there is no man
In Myanmar except the Rohingya;
Myanmar is now the jungle of Suu Kyi
And her pet man-eater wolves.
How will men reside with the wolves?
Standing on the corridor of the United Nations,
I want to declare: without delay, by cleansing this jungle
It must be made habitable for men.
Otherwise, by throwing
My poem more powerful than an atomic bomb,
Myanmar must be vanished from the world-map.
Then her destiny will be like that of the Atlantis.
She will be sunk eternally
Into the unfathomable darkness of oblivion.

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