The things of your own
And from the word style comes it the word stylist,
Standing for one who uses and applies modernistically.
Your style, my style, his style or her style,
Be it their style,
But it is never the same
As for approach, attitude not,
But for the manner he takes to deliberation.
The stanzas and their patterns,
The starting and the ending,
The words you pick up,
The manner you speak out,
All these come under the word style.
Sometimes it is said,
Style is the man,
I do not, but say it they
And it is true to some extent,
As your behaviour is first introduction so is style.
Cinematographic style not,
Poetic style is the thing of my deliberation
And I want to see how the poet has begun
As well as concluded,
How the thing of his presentation,
How the dialogues and words!
Everyone has got a style of his own
Which is divine,
If I have something special, you too have,
Which but you know it not,
And I have tried to develop that
But you have not.