The days and nights breathe out the stench of dribbling sweat
Roads rage and roofs steam like an overly heated pan
The midday Sun flares right overhead
Spitting fumes and fire all around
The Earth lies scorched under its burning breath
An oven pre heated, hot enough to grill and bake
Rivers and streams pant in wild unrest
Canals and cisterns lie distraught
Dry leaves in whirlwind swirl around
The fallowed lands yawn with mouths wide agape
From the woods, rise coils of sooty smoke
As the dried undergrowth burns in the forest fire
Sucking the last vestiges of grass and green
The flames of fire dance in wild ecstasy
Alas! The self same summer has barged into me
Burning outright all my unsung songs
In my ears echo the rustle of dried up thoughts
Which waggle round me like disembodied spirits
How I lament the loss of my lovely rhymes
As the ink in my pen also is drying up
Oh! I wish it were moistened by the waters of *Helicon
And like a stream, trickle down into the paper I hold!

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