The surface from me within inside looking out at me
A thing of very strange ……………………………….
It is neither in static nor in motion
It is in commonly uncommon condition.
It is not showing me the truth but it is surely not the lie
It doesn’t allow me to live; it doesn’t allow me to die,
It never became my own though it never left me alone
It is definitely not my enemy or foe but not becoming my friend.
Though it never loves to love me but it hates to hate
It is not the dark but never gives me the light
It is in a strange color not in common black, blue and white.
It is not the impossible but it does not have the possibility,
It is not an unreal but unable to come in reality,
It is not the ugly but embodied with the true beauty,
It is not in vacuum but filled with quantity and quality
It never blocks me but never shows me the path
It never quenches but always increases my thirst.
It is not the shadow of the light though it refuses to glow
It never remains the same but it does not change,
What is it? It must be nothing but purely strange.

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