As pass you your time in taking wine,
In getting drunk and inebriated
And speaking so in your drunkenness
Where do you lie in fallen, on the paths,
Into the streets,
Say you,
Is this the way of living a life,
Which but God has given
Is this the way of living a life
That your parents have made you,
What had it been the image of theirs,
What had they thought about you
And you spending time in wine-taking,
Taking to full and lying flat
On the ground,
Befriending the stray dog
Which but questions you
In your helpless drunkenness, a state of inebriation,
Who are you,
And where to go to,
What the business of yours
And what that you with to be given
To the dog
As for to lick,
First, growling and barking
Then you silencing it offering a biscuit
Say you, what a life have you got
That drink and dance you,
Spend you so much of money
Which you could have
In saving your family
Your wife expecting and waiting for,
Your children need to be educated,
You think,
Just think
Without taking wine
But you lying flat, fallen flat on the ground,
Into the bushes,
Not in you,
Muttering something,
Wanting to go here, going there
You say, just say it,
When will you leave drinking,
When, when will you abandon drinking,
Drink, but never drink
To spoil yourself, to ruin you yourself
Think of those who love you,
Who love and like you
And continue to wait for,
Think of them,
Just think of them
Before drinking to full
And lying flat,
Fallen on the roadways
As who to lift you,
As who to bring back to senses
Please see the face of yours,
What have you done,
What have you to your face
After taking wine,
Spurious liquor in such a way
Please think, think it,
What, what have you done,
Taking wine,
What have you made of yourself,
Think, just think you?

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