The ‘now’ is to be lived!
And with it lessons learned.
To wish for that which no longer exists,
Implies a resistence to what ‘is’…
And the mentality associated with it.
A recovery is done when one moves on.
In acceptance of what has been lived,
Has to be let go…
Since it is gone.
There is nothing from yesterday,
That will be replayed again to stay.
To live life is a forward movement,
It is!
And for many in denial,
They refuse to see it that way.
Insisting on a revisit.
To relive what now isn’t for them.
Remaining deluded,
Some do…
To addicting intoxications,
To redo and transfix…
That which has slipped from their grasp.
And traumatically faded away too fast!
Never to make a reappearance as it was.

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