Where she was born and raised in but where she was not destined to stay
She won’t be going back to the Southern Grampians to live and there grow old and gray.
Tall slender and attractive looking in her early twenties and nearing her prime
In the future she plans to have children but for that she feels there’s plenty of time
She works for a large corporation but with them she won’t build her career
And if they don’t give her the raise of pay she has put in for with them she won’t see out the year.
Her live in partner is a suburban fellow a one bedroom apartment they share
They go out to discos together they make for a loving young pair
In young love there is far more passion though some may not see it that way
Love fades in the hearts of the ageing all things of great beauty withers to decay.
She will not be going back to live in Macarthur but just to visit her family there
She does not pine for the wide brown paddocks the thistledown flying in the Summer air
Outside of the office where she works in all day long the buses, cars and trucks pass up and down
And Carlton it is far more noisy than Macarthur her Southern Grampians Hometown.

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